Saturday, November 14, 2009

Five for Five Fridays...on Saturday!

The last month has held some crazy Fridays for us...and I just wasn't remembering to post until Saturday. happened again! Ah well...I'm going to go ahead and do it this time.

Five things from our week in five minutes...

1. Brian has had late nights all week. Thank the Lord for his job, and thank the Lord for giving them business. Of course we want to see him more, but I'm mindful and grateful for the Lord's goodness and faithfulness in providing work, and of Brian's faithfulness to his position.

2. Nathaniel and I had the chance to see lots of friends this week. Laundry got done Wednesday instead of shopping in several short trips instead of one big one...and the restrooms still need cleaned! However, it's been fun!

3. After all that fun...and a play-doh playdate just yesterday morning...Nathaniel began to cry and cough quite a bit at nap time yesterday. It was unusual. When I checked on him, he told me his throat hurt. I decided to take him to the doctor since he rarely complains. When he does, something is usually up. We waited for a LONG time..while Nathaniel cheerfully entertained everyone in the waiting room! I felt silly for a few minutes...he seemed fine. Was he feeling better or avoiding his nap?? However, I had already paid the copay when we arrived...and remembered that he rarely acts sick when he his. Two hours later...we learned he has an ear infection and strep throat. Yikes! Since then, he's been coughing much and going through lots of tissues! :( I'm glad I went ahead and took him to the doctor. What's to credit for that choice? Keen mothering skills? A 2 year old who communicates well? No...I credit the Lord, and know He listened to me early that morning. Help me, Lord. Guide me. Let me hear your voice and be directed by Your Spirit. I need You.

4. I am getting more excited about the Christmas program at church. It's been 2 years since I was involved in one...and I have a 2 year I'm a bit more scatter brained than I would like...but we have many hands involved and I believe it's all going to come together to glorify the Lord!

5. We currently have 23 items out from the library. Yup. I hadn't been in the library since school and now...I'm a junkie!

If you read this, how about giving me 5 (or 1) cool things about your week?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Five for Five Fridays, 10/9/09

Before mentioning my 5 for 5, I just want to say Happy 5th Anniversary to REAL Church! Brian's brother, Pastor Chilly & his wonderful wife Netta along with their great family and a terrific team of people (which included my sister and her husband!) planted this awesome work in Hamtrack, MI 5 years ago. They are having a weekend of celebration, and we rejoice with them from all the way "down here!" To learn about REAL Church, check out Happy Anniversary, REAL Church!

Hmmm...5 for 5...this is gonna be truly random!

1. My son has started asking me where we are going each morning. His favorite requests are the mall (which features a play land) and Chick-Fil-A (also with a play land). He doesn't know what the Golden Arches are, but he can recognize the Chick-Fil-A symbol in a second!

2. We were near record highs for this time of year - 91 and muggy today. Ugh

3. In the south, we have palmetto bugs. They are large, fast, are attraced to moisture (that word is for you, Netta) and are part of the COCROACH family. Yuck. Unlike their cousins, they are not linked to filth. But my skin crawls every time I see one (which was 3 times this week). I am good with spiders, bugs, lizards, frogs (which are all everywhere). But these little creatures have me calling for my husband! (I think he appreciates the confidence I have in his macho-bug-squashing finess!)

4. Earlier this week, Nathaniel asked me "Mommy, where'd Jesus go?" We talk about Jesus all through the day. Now that I think about it, I'm actually surprized he hasn't asked me sooner. He asks about his family (which all lives away) and friends when he hasn't seen them in a while. It was as though it just hit him - Jesus loves me, I love, why can't I play with Him? I gave him the answer that God gave me in that moment, and will continue to pray that the Lord makes himself known to Nathaniel is such a personal way.

5. Nathaniel's prayer over his snack this afternoon: "Thank you for this food, Amen. Thank you, Jesus, Amen. Thank you, cheese, apples, Amen."

Monday, September 28, 2009

Five for Five Fridays, 10/2/09

1. "My love you" - Some of my favorite words to hear! Nathaniel spontaneously shares his affection with us often now, and we gobble it up!

2. "Kiss my lips, Mommy" - After being sick for a day(last week), Nathaniel must have noticed that I was kissing every available part of him - except for his lips. Yes, I admit, this Momma was trying to stay sick-free. At some point, Nathaniel said, "Kiss my lips, Mommy." Oh my. Well, kiss his lips I did. How could I resist?!

3. "My want to make Mommy smile" - I ended up with the virus Nathaniel had...just a few hours after I wrote last week's Friday post....some time after kissing those lips! On Saturday afternoon, Nathaniel and Brian came into our room to see me. (I am SO thankful Brian was home while I was sick!!) Nathaniel was trying to climb up our (very tall) bed trying to get to me. He said "My want to make Mommy smile." HOW SWEET! Brian said he had nothing to do with Nathaniel's comment. Nathaniel got up on the bed, gave me the sweetest kiss on the lips, sat back, looked at me and proudly said "I made you smile!" If you only knew, little boy!

4. We are entering the "2 outfits a day" season. We wake up to low 50's. If we take a walk in the morning, it's usually up in the 60's, but pants and long sleeves are required. However, if we play outside in the afternoon, it's in the low 80's! So...thus...a change of clothes. Hmm...the laundry lady isn't too sure she's happy about that. Truly, I'm glad for the flex in the temps. We were ready for it!

5. My mother-in-law came home from re-hab yesterday! Thanks to any who read this who have prayed for her. Continued prayer for a full recovery, and freedom from her back brace, is so appreciated!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Five for Five Fridays, Issue 2

Without any preparation...and without any further delay...
5 things from my week in 5 minutes...

1. Sickness - My little man came down with the stomach flu yesterday. As I held him, he just kept saying "I want my Mama." I would reassure him, "I'm right here, honey. Mama's got you." But still, especially right before or after "getting sick" he would repeat and repeat "I want my Mama." The Lord must feel the same way about me. I've got you, Lana, I'm right here. And, like I did as a Mama, He is faithful to just repeat His promises, love and comfort to me until it sinks in.

2. Sweet - Nathaniel got his leg stuck tonight and prompty told his Daddy "I'm stuck!" As Brian lifted him out of his position, he said - with a sigh of relief - "Thank you, Jesus." I utter the phrase all day long... and I got such joy hearing him thank Jesus for "setting him free!"

3. Summer - It still feels like summer here. The high tomorrow is 87. I know come November I will really enjoy the weather. But right now, I miss fall! On that note, we have not been affected by the terrible flooding in the Atlanta area. I feel so sad for the countless people in our state who have been devasted by this weather. I will continue to pray for God's mercy.

4. Spring cleaning - I don't know why, but that's the mood I've been in all week. Re-organize, re-arrange, purge, simplify. And I don't feel finished yet!

5. Serenity now! And I'm not even that much of a Seinfeld fan! The Lord has blessed me this week with moments of quiet, confirmation and wonder. I love Him and thank Him!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Five for Five Fridays

In an attempt to blog a little more often (it's been 7 months!?) I am hoping to begin a weekly post - "Five for Five Fridays." I'll take 5 minutes to blog about 5 areas of life from the past week. I think I'll go so far as to start each area with an "f" today, just to keep with the theme...but no promises that I'll stick with that! :) Here goes!

Faith - I've been reading through the Bible in chronological order this year, and it's been awesome! This week, I was impacted by the instructions from Esther to the Jews to pray and fast in Esther 4:15-17. Not only did their prayers impact Esther (giving her courage, vision, creativity and all that she needed to fulfill God's plan for her) - but the King as well! In Esther 6:1 the King couldn't sleep and got out of bed. He had the records of his reign to him and discovered what Mordecai had done to save his life. Coincidence? I think not!

Family - Mom Chilton had back surgery this week and is still in need of much prayer for a great recovery and great results. Please pray for Dad, as well, as he cares for her. How we wish we could be with them. While we are very happy here in Savannah, we do miss our parents and siblings much. My Mom sent a package of yummy Greek goodies today (and a huge orange sucker for her grandson!).

Friends - Some of our dearest friends, the Metzgers, just left Tuesday after a week with us. They rented a place on the beach for a few of those days and invited us to join them. What fun! Being with them is always so fun, so refreshing, and full of laughs, memories, and growth. We love them!

Fun - Tomorrow is Saturday! Nathaniel and I are both so happy to have Brian with us for the day. And...since rain is the forcast for tomorrow, I don't think we'll have to share him with the yard. I just read that there is a casting call at our mall tomorrow for a Cival War era movie being filmed in Savannah and directed by Robert Redford. To go...or not to go? :)

Frugal Find - CVS diapers. Yup. They were a steal this week, especially with $2 extra bucks, and they work great!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sweet and simple

Brian's Aunt and counsin spent some time with Nathaniel on Valentine's Day while Brian and I had a date! (I could stop there, because that is newsworthy enough! :))
She brought along a couple of books that she had been keeping at her house, which her grandkids have outgrown. One of them is called "Classic Children's Prayers" and it contains the following sweet, simple prayer:
"Please give me what I ask,
dear Lord,
If you'd be glad about it,
But if you think it's not for me,
Please help me do without it."

Ain't that the truth? (ha - I hear the word "ain't" so often now, I couldn't help but throw it in!) Really, though, what truth lies in these simple, childlike words. This is how we reconcile "making our requests known" and praying "Thy will be done." Amen!

Time for Sesame Street...!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Fruitful Accounting

The Lord has been answering our prayer in some very practical ways for wisdom & creativity in handling finances. I'm sure anyone reading this is praying a similar prayer these days. Income seems to go down...expenses seem to go up. Everytime the TV is on (with the exception of PBS and Disney!) we hear of the crisis, recession, and meltdown our country is experiencing.

As I was praying the other day, I asked the Lord to help me develop more of "something" in regards to our finances. This "something" was one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. I don't mention it by name because as soon as I spoke this to the Lord, I felt Him tell me that I need more of all of the fruit of the Spirit in relationship to our finances. I began to journal was He spoke, along with the Scriptures that He brought to my mind. I share it now, knowing that this topic is on the forefront of many of our minds & prayers, and hoping something might bless someone else...

The Fruit of the my checkbook!
LOVE - Lord, help me to develop more love - for You as my Eternal provider, and for my husband who works so hard as your earthly extension of provision. Certainly it is You who provides us with every good thing, but you use our faithfulness and loyal work to bless us.
(2 Cor. 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.)

JOY - Lord, allow me to enjoy all the good gifts You fill my life with and to express joy & thankfulness in all things relating to your provision. (1 Tim. 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.)

PEACE - Lord, may I be content with all the ways You care for me, and full of peace knowing that You will always do so. I truly lack nothing, Lord, and can't think of a time that You haven't answered with blessing - and then some! (Phil. 4:11-13 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength., Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.)

PATIENCE - Lord, the old saying that "good things come to those who wait" isn't just a cliche - it's supported throughout your Word. Waiting on You never fails or dissapoints. Help me to not only say I believe that Your timing is best, but to behave like it. (Proverbs 13:11-12 Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.)

KINDNESS - Lord, help me to reflect kindness as a steward of your blessings. From the cashier at Walmart to the medical billing representative who seems to believe that the extra charge on my bill is me to be truly kind, behaving as a manager of my King's money. When I start to get hot under the collar because the bar code won't scan or because the price rings up incorrectly...remind me that this transaction is a chance to show the love of Jesus.
(Eph. 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you)

GOODNESS - Heavenly Father, just as You are so good in giving to me, help me to show goodness to others in generous, selfless ways. And thank You that you promise to bless me for it!(Proverbs 11:25 A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.)

FAITHFULNESS - Father God, You are always faithful to Your Word, and You ask us for the same. Thank you for the clear instruction You give us regarding our financial responsiblities to You and to our government. May you always find us faithful. (Mark 12:17 Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him.)

GENTLENESS - Lord, despite the best efforts at planning and budgeting, there will be hiccups and bumps in the road - car problems, broken appliances and even disagreements on spending priorities. May my husband and I always approach these times, and one another, with gentleness and understanding. Give us the ability to come into agreement with You and one another, growing and learning all the while. (Phil. 4:5 Let your gentleness be evident to all.)

SELF-CONTROL - Lord, once we seek You for wisdom and You give us direction - help me to stick to it! Whether that means walking past the "$" Section at Target (which quickly becomes the "$10" section!) or remembering that saying "No" to one thing is allowing me to say "Yes" to what I really want. And as I grow in this area of self-control, can we just start the process all over again - with more joy?! (Proverbs 25:28 Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.)

And now...since my dear Mother has relected PATIENCE and KINDNESS by reading all of this, I will oblige her request with GOODNESS and post another video of her grandson. :)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ok - I know it's been a crazy long time since I blogged...and my journal is sitting on the desk with something I had hoped to write yesterday....but now, maybe Monday. However, I just learned how to edit the video clips I've uploaded...and I'm really hoping Grammy is able to view them. So, this is a test. (Yes, Grammy, I am still making you DVD's!)

Mom, (and anyone else who didn't see this on Facebook - Judith!) make sure your volume is on and just push the arrow button on the left, under the picture. It's not the best camera work...but I'll work on it! :)