Friday, September 19, 2008

play time!

Nathaniel and I met some friends at the soft play area at the mall yesterday. He had a great time! But, because he was constantly on the move, most of my pictures came out blurry. Here are a few. The second is blurry, and his eyes are half closed, but he is WALKING! We are really trying to make an effort to make connections with the people God is putting in our path... More on that later... Nathaniel just fell asleep for his nap, and it's time for me to get ready for my first date in 4 months! (ok, 3 and a half months, but who's counting?!)! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

there's nothing like...

...a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup! (yes, Mom, that's my baby bowl!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And, he's off!

Yes, Nathaniel is walking! It finally happened on Saturday. Instead of 3 steps here or 5 steps there, he took a full stroll across the living room, twice! He still crawls to get to something quickly, but is certainly enjoying his new talent - and so are we. What a joy he is! We started MOPS today, and he had a wonderful time! When I picked him up, the worker told me what a sweet baby he is and that he was one of the only ones not to fuss at all. What a blessing; we usually here the same thing when we pick him up from the nursery. The Lord has given him such a wonderful disposition and an absolute love for people. It is awesome to see that in him already. I wonder how the Lord will use these wonderful gifts...
As a family, we are doing well. Brian's job is still enjoyable, and challenging, for him. And so is mine! :) I have to admit that I am a little envious of those of you who have mentioned (on blog, facebook or email) about your lovely fall's still in the low 90's here. However, I think our time is coming...60 degrees in December is sounding nice! (Visitors welcome!) We continue to get to know our neighbors, and are getting involved in our church. Looking forward to feeling like it's "familiar" here...that place in between "new" and "home." I'll post a few pictures before signing off. Need to do a few more things during nap time! Thanks for stopping by!

I love my family!

Air guitar with a soda bottle!

Already a Starbucks lover! (ha - it's just water!)

So sleepy after an afternoon at the mall!

Nathaniel asked for this hat (which was sitting on the counter) during lunch today (yes, by saying "hat!") and was SO happy when I obliged him!