Saturday, November 14, 2009

Five for Five Fridays...on Saturday!

The last month has held some crazy Fridays for us...and I just wasn't remembering to post until Saturday. happened again! Ah well...I'm going to go ahead and do it this time.

Five things from our week in five minutes...

1. Brian has had late nights all week. Thank the Lord for his job, and thank the Lord for giving them business. Of course we want to see him more, but I'm mindful and grateful for the Lord's goodness and faithfulness in providing work, and of Brian's faithfulness to his position.

2. Nathaniel and I had the chance to see lots of friends this week. Laundry got done Wednesday instead of shopping in several short trips instead of one big one...and the restrooms still need cleaned! However, it's been fun!

3. After all that fun...and a play-doh playdate just yesterday morning...Nathaniel began to cry and cough quite a bit at nap time yesterday. It was unusual. When I checked on him, he told me his throat hurt. I decided to take him to the doctor since he rarely complains. When he does, something is usually up. We waited for a LONG time..while Nathaniel cheerfully entertained everyone in the waiting room! I felt silly for a few minutes...he seemed fine. Was he feeling better or avoiding his nap?? However, I had already paid the copay when we arrived...and remembered that he rarely acts sick when he his. Two hours later...we learned he has an ear infection and strep throat. Yikes! Since then, he's been coughing much and going through lots of tissues! :( I'm glad I went ahead and took him to the doctor. What's to credit for that choice? Keen mothering skills? A 2 year old who communicates well? No...I credit the Lord, and know He listened to me early that morning. Help me, Lord. Guide me. Let me hear your voice and be directed by Your Spirit. I need You.

4. I am getting more excited about the Christmas program at church. It's been 2 years since I was involved in one...and I have a 2 year I'm a bit more scatter brained than I would like...but we have many hands involved and I believe it's all going to come together to glorify the Lord!

5. We currently have 23 items out from the library. Yup. I hadn't been in the library since school and now...I'm a junkie!

If you read this, how about giving me 5 (or 1) cool things about your week?