Monday, November 17, 2008

what happened?

A few of you commented or asked me what happened when he tasted the onion - sorry to have left that out! He took two bites, and would have eaten more if I had let him! (Much like it sometimes takes us a while to realize we're biting off way more than the Lord wants us to be chewing...but that's another theme entirely. :))

On an unrelated note...I find it absolutely wonderful that my son not only hugged me this morning after waking up and as I said goodnight to him, but gently and repeatedly patted my shoulder as well. Brian and I are both the recipients of all sorts of expressions of love from Nathaniel lately, and we are loving every minute of it!

And now...GO BROWNS! I made a Brown & Orange themed dinner and dessert...and dessert (pumpkin chocolate chip cake) is still waiting. Mmmmm!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An Onion? Really?

Nathaniel has a new fascination - produce. Last Sunday, while Brian was sitting with Nathaniel as he snacked in his chair, I chopped some veggies for our dinner. His interest was peaked when I pulled a green pepper from the fridge. He began to sign "please" and nicely ask for the pepper. I explained how the pepper was for dinner and Brian tried to redirect his attention to the snack on his tray. It didn't work. He continued to ask for the pepper until I decided that he could go ahead and taste it. I knew he liked green pepper cooked in various dishes but I certainly expected that after one taste of the uncooked pepper he would promptly return it to me (by throwing it on the floor, most likely). Well, after one taste of the pepper...he took another...and then another...and then another! He ate away at that green pepper like it was an apple (for your orignial Iron Chef fans) until we asked for it back so that I could salvage some for dinner!
The produce adventure didn't stop there. Next, he wanted a mushroom. A raw, whole mushroom. He started at the top and ate all the way to the stem. While the stem was, shall we say, disapproved of, the rest of the mushroom was a big success!
His taste buds were once again vocalizing their curiosity a few hours ago as I chopped an onion. Yes, he wanted a bite of the onion. I tried to discourage him by allowing him to smell the onion. Cruel, I know, but not as cruel as allowing your son to eat the raw onion! Well, it didn't work. He insisted that the onion was an apple ("app") and continued to passionately sign "please" and point and grunt...and I continued to tell him that it was for dinner and offered him a variety of other things that I knew he would enjoy and were good for him. It wasn't that I didn't want to allow my son to have any of the's that I knew it would be better later, after it had been cooked in our dinner. We both continued our respective efforts...until I decided to let him have his way. So, I picked him up and handed him his "apple," fully prepared for spitting and crying. I knew that I would wash his hands once he was finished and offer him his cup of milk. And I knew that I did, in fact, have a better snack waiting for him.
As I washed his hands, my mind was immediately drawn to the spiritual parrallel my son had just illustrated for me. How often have I insisted that God give me a taste of something I wanted, but that wasn't in His plans for me at the time? How many times have I grunted and fussed at his intructions that something was "not for lunch, but for dinner" or, not for now, but for later? How often have I talked back to God until He decided to let me make my own choice, knowing He would be prepared to take care of me afterwards.
Lord, help me to remember that You have the best things for me, at the best times for me. Help me to trust that what you are offering me is best, instead of peering onto the "kitchen counter" for what else there might be. Help me to remember that You are a perfect heavenly Father.
"Chose my instruction instead of silver..." Proverbs 8:10
"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:9-11

Friday, October 31, 2008

Chilly Willy, The Next Generation

We had a fun evening with the neighbors, and Nathaniel visited the homes of the families we know. He is such an amazing, sweet, fun little man. Thank you, Jesus, for choosing us for him!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My pumpkin - then and now!

God is so good! Nathaniel is just as sweet as ever - laughing, learning and loving (oh how we enjoy the hugs and kisses!) more every day! I'll try to expound later. Right now...there is a bowl of ice cream with my name on it! :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Purposed, Prayerful Parenting

The Holy Spirit certainly highlights various parts of the Word to us at various times in our lives, revealing new truths and teaching us new lessons. I'm contantly amazed by this. It's also so wonderful to see the Lord bring scriptures to life in a new way now that I'm a Mom. Hmmm...I've either already written that in a blog before, or I've been thinking it for quite some time...
A page in Nathaniel's "Story of Jesus" book tells about the little boy who gave his lunch to Jesus (John 6). Jesus took it, blessed it, multiplied it and miraculously fed 5,000 men, plus the women and children. I've been thinking about that mother who packed that lunch...she prepared her little boy to be a part of what Jesus was doing that day. She allowed him the opportunity to be where Jesus was, to listen to Jesus' teaching and to watch Jesus minister. She didn't hold him back. She didn't say, "No, son, that would interrupt my plans for today...." or "No, son, we are going to have a family day today..." She allowed him (perhaps she accompanied him, or perhaps she sent him) to be in the presence of Jesus. Brian and I are so blessed to have had parents who did the same. The took us to the house of God. The love the Lord, and taught us, through example, to do the same. They allowed us to pursue God's plans for our lives - even when the concept of "Master's Commission" was so very new and somewhat scary (thanks, Mom!) and even when it meant a move halfway across the country to be with the person God had ordained (thanks, Mom & Dad). May we always allow, provide, encourage the same opportunities for Nathaniel (and, of course, any siblings he may have. No, I'm not making an announcement. :)) We want Nathaniel to love the house of God, the people of God, the work of God, the heart of God and, of course, to obey the will of God. And...that isn't the only obedience that is vital...
I was reading in Romans 1 the last few days and was struck by something new (Thank You, Lord). In the second part of chapter 1, Paul writes, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who supress the truth by their wickedness..."(verse 18). In the rest of the chapter, Paul explains the various "wickedness" he is talking about. Obviously, this is a list of things we would never want in our lives, the lives of anyone we know or care about and, certainly, not in the lives of our children. As he describes it, these are the behaviors of those who "....although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened." (verse 21). What struck me was 4 words in the middle of the list of offenses Paul mentions. "they disobey their parents;" (verse 30). Disobeying parents made the list of vile, sinful, destructive behavior. Teaching our children to obey us isn't just a matter of making our homes peaceful or our trips to Walmart as uneventful as possible. :) Teaching our children to obey us is directly related to their willingness to obey God and to live in His blessing and protection. From what I read here in verse 21, it can start with glorifying God, giving thanks to Him, and protecting our minds & hearts by festing on the Word of God - and doing everything within our ability to see that our children do the same. Help me, Lord.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My First Haircut!

We took Nathaniel for his first haircut this morning (note -this morning, before Mommy had any makeup on. But, he is so cute that I am still posting the pics!) He just needed a trim on his crown and a bit of evening in the back. We could have done it at home (or so I'm told by many of my confident-scissor-using friends) but we opted to go for the "chair experience" complete with booster seat and adorable apron. The woman cutting his hair owns the salon and is a believer. She is so sweet, and doesn't charge for the first cut. I told Nathaniel that her tip came out of his allowance. ;) They caught some of his hair in a little zip-lock, which then affixed to the fun certificate they gave him. So fun! Our little boy is growing up! And to answer your question, Sharon, we hear both opionions. Some of Mommy...some of Daddy. Of course, Brian and I see more of one another in him than we do ourselves. :)

ready for a nap!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

She's 16?!

Our oldest niece turned 16 a month ago! And while she is on Brian's side of the family, I've had the pleasure to know here since she was 2. So, both of us were pretty floored that this year was "16!" We brought her to Savannah for 5 days to celebrate her birthday, see our new area, cuddle with her cousin and, most of all, remind her that we think she is an amazing young woman of God! We love you, Mariah! I posted all of the pics at facebook, and I don't want to post any of her here without permission (:)), but here are a few of Nathaniel from the last few days. We had a great time!
waiting for the pizza to arrive at the table

downtown Savannah (on a cool day!)

The Ocean!

" See you later, Mom & Dad!"

"Back away from my french fry...back away!"

Friday, September 19, 2008

play time!

Nathaniel and I met some friends at the soft play area at the mall yesterday. He had a great time! But, because he was constantly on the move, most of my pictures came out blurry. Here are a few. The second is blurry, and his eyes are half closed, but he is WALKING! We are really trying to make an effort to make connections with the people God is putting in our path... More on that later... Nathaniel just fell asleep for his nap, and it's time for me to get ready for my first date in 4 months! (ok, 3 and a half months, but who's counting?!)! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

there's nothing like...

...a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup! (yes, Mom, that's my baby bowl!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And, he's off!

Yes, Nathaniel is walking! It finally happened on Saturday. Instead of 3 steps here or 5 steps there, he took a full stroll across the living room, twice! He still crawls to get to something quickly, but is certainly enjoying his new talent - and so are we. What a joy he is! We started MOPS today, and he had a wonderful time! When I picked him up, the worker told me what a sweet baby he is and that he was one of the only ones not to fuss at all. What a blessing; we usually here the same thing when we pick him up from the nursery. The Lord has given him such a wonderful disposition and an absolute love for people. It is awesome to see that in him already. I wonder how the Lord will use these wonderful gifts...
As a family, we are doing well. Brian's job is still enjoyable, and challenging, for him. And so is mine! :) I have to admit that I am a little envious of those of you who have mentioned (on blog, facebook or email) about your lovely fall's still in the low 90's here. However, I think our time is coming...60 degrees in December is sounding nice! (Visitors welcome!) We continue to get to know our neighbors, and are getting involved in our church. Looking forward to feeling like it's "familiar" here...that place in between "new" and "home." I'll post a few pictures before signing off. Need to do a few more things during nap time! Thanks for stopping by!

I love my family!

Air guitar with a soda bottle!

Already a Starbucks lover! (ha - it's just water!)

So sleepy after an afternoon at the mall!

Nathaniel asked for this hat (which was sitting on the counter) during lunch today (yes, by saying "hat!") and was SO happy when I obliged him!

Friday, August 22, 2008

No, he's not walking...

Nathaniel isn't walking on his own yet. He still needs to hold on to a hand to go any distance but, if he isn't too frustrated at the time, he will take a few small steps to get to who or what he wants. But it's what he IS doing that is amazing me!

-He is blowing into (and sucking out of) his harmonica!

-He is eating anything we offer him (including stuffed peppers, lemons, etc, etc)

-He is repeating almost anything we ask him to (wow, does he say "clock" clearly!) and saying all sorts of words on his own (baby, bye, Dada, MAMA!!!, out, car, pretty, banana (it only comes out "baaa" but it's the same every time), duck (again, only comes out "du")

-He is showing us his muscles (so, so, so stinking cute!)

-He is raising his arms in the air when we say "Praise the Lord!"

-He is showing us where his head is

-He is trying to sing along to any song he hears and definitely dances any chance he gets

-He is continuing to talk with anyone and everyone who will take the time to talk back (and, often, even those who don't! )
-He is holding both of his toy phones to his ear and trying to talk!

Hmm...I know there is more, but that's what comes to mind. He is simply amazing and I love him, love him, love him!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

forget it...

There are so many thoughts running through my mind right now - on everything from mothering to mentoring to cooking (I used a pressure cooker for the first time last night without my mother's help!) to how to write an effecient grocery shopping list. However, I just had unexpected company for lunch and a little one about to wake up. We really need to make it to the grocery store this'll keep this brief. (That seems to be a trend...I really WILL post something more than pictures soon!) Thanks for taking the time to stop by!
So cool!

Nathaniel didn't want to cooperate for a family pic, but I could resist! this is the Savannah airport parking garage! Yes, everything is just lovely here!

Grammy arrived at the airport armed with suckers!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Today, our little miracle, Nathaniel Martin, turned 1! Wow, my eyes are filling with tears (again) as I consider what to words to type. I am so very thankful that the Lord made me a Mama, and made Brian "Dada" (a word we hear often!) - and He used Nathaniel to do it. I am absolutely crazy about this little boy. He has captured the place in my heart that was especially designed for him. I keep typing, erasing, rewording...and disturbing the wonderful man trying to fall asleep next to me. So, for now, I will just post a few pictures from the last few days. Sunday evening, we celebrated with my Mom, Brian's Aunt Judy and cousin Jamelle who live in Savannah, and our friends, the Whitemans. We had a neighborhood outdoor party planned with the neighbor kids tonight, but the rain won out, so we are hoping to do it tomorrow. Instead, we ordered pizza, the ever-popular kid-friendly birthday meal, and opened a few more gifts. Nathaniel has been blessed with a multitude of wonderful gifts...but, for the last 2 days, the balloons have been the main attraction! As you read this and looks at the pics, please pray God's blessing on Nathaniel's 2nd year. THANKS so much! (We miss you, Papa, Grandma, Uncle, Chilly, Aunt Netta, Riley, Courtney, Zoe, Max, Chase, Aunt Nini, Uncle Chris, Aunt Carol, Uncle Vic & Annalyn!)

Monday, July 21, 2008

oh, that smile!

These aren't great pictures (especially were half of Nathaniel's head didn't make the picture!), but his smile is priceless!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Does it count that I intended to make this a longer post...with a little from my studying in Matthew? No, I didn't think so....well, in any event, I did intend to... But I've spent all of Nathaniel's nap working in the office and downloading pictures...and I just heard the first "waking up sound!" So, a few pictures will be it for now...

A neighbor GAVE this to us! (And it was the first time we met!)

Mommy's helper! He comes straight for it when he hears it open!

Wanna a bite, Mommy? He really does offer us a "bite" (no "t" when he says it)

His classic funny man face!

At the neighbor's party on Saturday.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Can't keep up!

That's the feeling lately - can't keep up - and I'm not complaining! I feel like I can't keep up with the lessons the Lord is teaching me as I make my way through the book of Matthew. One little passage at a time, the Holy Spirit is stopping me and revealing humbling lessons. Pastor Chilly would often say that the Lord "gets it to us, and then gets it through us." Wow. What the Lord is doing in me today isn't just for's for my family, my neighbors, my divine appointments today (ok - I'm not sure that I'm even leaving the house today, but you know what I mean) and, ultimately, it's for His glory. So, my prayer is that I would allow the truths of His word to not just be a good journal entry, or a great "feeling" during my time with Him, or a good blog (though I know I rarely blog from my journal)...but I want it to be transforming to me today. I want to look into the mirror of His Word and be continually changed, not just challenged. (James1:23). I don't want ruts, I don't want to crave routine...I want to relish the "can't keep up" feeling of following God. And that, to any fellow type A-daytimer-driven-friends, has to be a work of the Spirit!
I also feel like I can't keep up with this little person who is growing before my very eyes. More than every before, as I see his understanding growing by leaps and bounds, I am praying for God's annointing on Brian and I to be the parents that Nathaniel needs today. Well, I could write more, but the "Count" just finished his bit, which means Elmo's World is around the corner, leaving me just enough time to post some pictures! ha ha

yes, it's water!

I love Lionel, Papa & Grandma!

Whatcha lookin' at?

at the neighbors, on July 4th

Saturday, June 28, 2008

for Grammy, Papa and Grandma

Well, I'm not sure how often anyone checks this site....except, that is, for Grammy. :) My Mom kindly informed today that I have been slacking off in posting pictures. Perhaps the other grandparents may feel this way too...and who can blame them? Nathaniel is my Mom's only grandchild and, although he is #7 for Papa and Grandma, they don't live near any of their terrific grandkids. So...a few pictures now and then by blog or email and a little update is the least I can do. (And some days, depending on the number of new things Nathaniel has found to explore, it's the most I can do! ha ha) Nathaniel and I are nearly over the "I'm gonna throw a complete fit every time you bring out the laptop" phase, so it should get a bit easier. :) Here are a few pictures...I'm off to eat some watermelon that my wonderful husband is currently slicing. Yum, yum, yum!
There's always room for Jello-O Jigglers! Actually, contrary to what the picture indicates, he didn't care for them!

Rubber Duckie, you're the one!

Comin' at ya, Mama!

Oh, the rug? I thought it looked better rolled up. You're welcome!