Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Can't keep up!

That's the feeling lately - can't keep up - and I'm not complaining! I feel like I can't keep up with the lessons the Lord is teaching me as I make my way through the book of Matthew. One little passage at a time, the Holy Spirit is stopping me and revealing humbling lessons. Pastor Chilly would often say that the Lord "gets it to us, and then gets it through us." Wow. What the Lord is doing in me today isn't just for's for my family, my neighbors, my divine appointments today (ok - I'm not sure that I'm even leaving the house today, but you know what I mean) and, ultimately, it's for His glory. So, my prayer is that I would allow the truths of His word to not just be a good journal entry, or a great "feeling" during my time with Him, or a good blog (though I know I rarely blog from my journal)...but I want it to be transforming to me today. I want to look into the mirror of His Word and be continually changed, not just challenged. (James1:23). I don't want ruts, I don't want to crave routine...I want to relish the "can't keep up" feeling of following God. And that, to any fellow type A-daytimer-driven-friends, has to be a work of the Spirit!
I also feel like I can't keep up with this little person who is growing before my very eyes. More than every before, as I see his understanding growing by leaps and bounds, I am praying for God's annointing on Brian and I to be the parents that Nathaniel needs today. Well, I could write more, but the "Count" just finished his bit, which means Elmo's World is around the corner, leaving me just enough time to post some pictures! ha ha

yes, it's water!

I love Lionel, Papa & Grandma!

Whatcha lookin' at?

at the neighbors, on July 4th


LARmdpc said...

Love watching little Nathaniel grow...he's just precious as can be! Please email me or post on my blog what your new address is for Erica's announcements. Thanks!!

LARmdpc said...

Sorry guys... the last comment was from me, Wendy...I'm not sure why I was logged in as my Dad??

Netta said...

Water? (does he know how yummy diet coke is?)