Friday, August 22, 2008

No, he's not walking...

Nathaniel isn't walking on his own yet. He still needs to hold on to a hand to go any distance but, if he isn't too frustrated at the time, he will take a few small steps to get to who or what he wants. But it's what he IS doing that is amazing me!

-He is blowing into (and sucking out of) his harmonica!

-He is eating anything we offer him (including stuffed peppers, lemons, etc, etc)

-He is repeating almost anything we ask him to (wow, does he say "clock" clearly!) and saying all sorts of words on his own (baby, bye, Dada, MAMA!!!, out, car, pretty, banana (it only comes out "baaa" but it's the same every time), duck (again, only comes out "du")

-He is showing us his muscles (so, so, so stinking cute!)

-He is raising his arms in the air when we say "Praise the Lord!"

-He is showing us where his head is

-He is trying to sing along to any song he hears and definitely dances any chance he gets

-He is continuing to talk with anyone and everyone who will take the time to talk back (and, often, even those who don't! )
-He is holding both of his toy phones to his ear and trying to talk!

Hmm...I know there is more, but that's what comes to mind. He is simply amazing and I love him, love him, love him!


Netta said...

I just stopped by your blog to see if you'd updated it...sigh...alas... no!
Love you!

Karebear said...

I love it! I love it!